Hier gibt es 30-Sekunden-Clips im Real-Media-Format. Zum Abspielen benötigt wird der kostenlose Realplayer (Download unter www.real.com).
Dragging You Down [699 KB]
The Same Story [699 KB]
Unsociable [699 KB]
Remember Me [699 KB]
Windsor Oval [699 KB]
Moonshine Of Your Love [699 KB]
Tender Minds [729 KB]
Every Way I Lose [759 KB]
Laughing Sun [668 KB]
Really Want Me [668 KB]
Twisted Witch [668 KB]
Free [668 KB]
Dirty Clothes [699 KB]
Chatham Town [668 KB]
stateofmind.rm [83 KB]
feetthewrongwayround.rm [83 KB]
tiredofbeingabused.rm [83 KB]
inyourhair.rm [83 KB]
watchfromshadows.rm [89 KB]
youwantblood.rm [83 KB]
holdon.rm [83 KB]
athousandlies.rm [95 KB]
youheardrums.rm [88 KB]
reflections.rm [93 KB] thelovinginyoureyes.rm [89 KB]
Mary [78 KB]
Stargazing [82 KB]
Apollo Go Go [78 KB]
Lifetime in One Season [78 KB]
All Too Much [78 KB]
Medway [78 KB]
Just Wanna Be BAd [82 KB]
Out Of Our Minds [81 KB]
The Shadow Of The Past [82 KB]
Find A Hidden Door [78 KB]
You Always Find A Way To Hurt Me [82 KB]
Brompton Lane [82 KB]
Medicine Spoon [78 KB]
Hold Your Head Up [98 KB]